Honeybee & Pollinator Day
June 22
Honeybee & Pollinator Day at the MSPIB Farmers Market is sponsored by Rocky Acres Family Farm in West Portsmouth and Copies Galore, located at 709 Fourth Street in Portsmouth.
Honeybee & Pollinator Day at the MSPIB Farmers Market will feature the Rocky Acres Family Farm fully contained observation hive filled with live honeybees.
Come discover the secret life of honeybees while they create their honeycomb, make honey, and care for their young!
All the honeybees will be locked in their hive for the event.
Educational material about additional pollinators, like butterflies, will be provided courtesy of Copies Galore.
The MSPIB Farmers Market is sponsored by our Scioto County Commissioners.
For more information, please call 740-464-0203 or email director@mspohio.org