Local Writers Day
June 8

Local Writers Day at the MSPIB Farmers Market will feature Local Authors, the Scioto County Public Library, and Scioto Literary.
This is the perfect event for aspiring Writers to discover resources available to regional Authors.
Come share your love of writing, books, and poetry!
Featured Authors:
Cat Shaffer is a journalist with the Greenup County Gazette and the author of multiple novels, including "Temporary Wife" and "Sweet Lies and Mama's Pies."
Amanda Page is the Founder of Scioto Literary, Author & Editor of the "Lost Portsmouth" anthology of former historic structures in the City.
Dr. James Spinnati is the Author of multiple books published through Sonshine School of Evangelism and TNT Ministries in Portsmouth.
The MSPIB Farmers Market is sponsored by our Scioto County Commissioners.
For more information, please call 740-464-0203 or email director@mspohio.org

Enjoy the June 8 festivities all day in Downtown Portsmouth.
Portsmouth's Spring Art Walk will take place from 1:00-5:00pm, centered on the Roy Rogers Esplanade following the MSPIB Farmers Market!
Pick up your Art Walk Map at the Southern Ohio Museum and Cultural Center, located at 825 Gallia Street.